Declaration of disputes are an all-too-common challenge faced by employers. The alternative dispute resolution processes favoured by the CCMA and bargaining councils can be difficult to get to grips with. Let us guide you through the processes, ensuring that you are fully prepared to deal effectively with any disputes around dismissals, wages and working conditions, workplace changes or discrimination.
Conciliation is the first step in most dispute resolution processes prescribed by the Labour Relations Act. It’s a process whereby a neutral, third-party conciliator tries to assist the parties to settle the matter amicably. This process focusses on consensus and agreement and is very often overlooked by parties in dispute. Let our team of highly experienced representatives assist you in preparing an appropriate conciliation strategy and represent you in these discussions.
In the event that the parties are not able to settle the matter through conciliation, most disputes will then proceed to arbitration, a process whereby a neutral, third-party arbitrator will hear both parties’ versions of events and make a ruling. This process can be complex, involving presentation of evidence, witness testimony, etc. It is essential that any business involved in arbitration proceedings is adequately prepared and represented by experts in the field of alternative dispute resolution. The staff at GA&A are vastly experienced in representing businesses in arbitrations. Contact us for guidance on preparation for and representation at arbitration.