E-Book for Sale: Short-time, Lay-offs, Retrenchment:A business survival guide

South Africa’s slow economic growth in recent years has resulted in many employers being forced to reduce the working hours of their employees, through the implementation of short time or lay offs, or to reduce the number of employees by way of retrenchments. This situation has only been exacerbated by the implementation of a nation-wide lockdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Recognizing the predicament many businesses have found themselves in, Gordon Angus & Associates has produced a user-friendly publication intended to guide employers in implementing retrenchments, short time or layoffs fairly, efficiently and effectively.

You are invited to contact Gordon Angus and Associates to purchase the e-book or for any further information you may require.

To place an order, please email gordon@gordonangus.co.za